Knockholt Village Centre



The eastern side of the building (previously used by 'Knockholt Social Club') was built in 1898 with several later changes made.  The main part of the building housing the main hall, committee rooms and kitchen was rebuilt in the early 1970's. By about 2010, the building was known to be in need of a major update. Areas known to require attention included the roof, windows, electrics, plumbing and heating.

In 2010 the trustees proposed that a new building should be built as it was felt that the cost of refurbishment was disproportionately large. This new building would have incorporated several features requested by the village at large. However, in the event, the trustees failed to raise enough interest within the village or money for a new building and therefore the idea of refurbishment was reopened which has led to the current projects.


To bring the building up to modern health and safety standards

To improve the cost efficiency of the building

To provide community facilities and services which reflect the needs of the community.  The village centre is already used by a variety of clubs and organisations  Looking towards the future we hope to provide space for a pre-school and want to encourage use of the space for larger one-off events such as antique fairs and wedding receptions as well as new sports/hobby clubs and extend existing activities such as Knockholt Books by offering tea & cake, when they are open, providing an opportunity for meeting other people.


Click here

The Refurbishment Project

The refurbishment project has been divided into two phases.  Phase 1 is now (March 2024) complete and Phase 2 is being planned and funding applied for.

Phase 1: Involved the following

  • Re-roofing of whole building
  • The front elevation being brick built with modern windows and doors
  • The heating system replaced
  • Improvements to light levels in the hall with the addition of a roof skylight and large apex window to front of                  building.
  • New fire alarm system
  • Up dating of lighting and rewiring of electrics in the whole of the Phase 1 area.
  • A new chair/table store has been created
  • An archive room for use by the Knockholt Society has been created.
  • The kitchen has been enlarged, new flooring laid and cupboards & sink installed
  • A new accessible toilet has been created and fitted out.
  • The hall parquet flooring has been refurbished.
  • Some plastering and painting of walls has been done.
  • The Ladies and Gents toilets have new tiling and sanitaryware installed and walls painted.  Flooring refurbished.

Phase 2:

Will include the fitting out of the eastern side of the building. This will include installing a new back door, windows to rear of building, flooring, adult and children’s toilets, a small kitchen as well as painting and decorating. This development will provide facilities for a pre-school as well as additional community facilities.

Next Steps

Phase 1 has greatly improved the look of the building and brought it up to modern safety standards, which will also lead to reduced running costs. However, historic defects in the structure of the building, that were not immediately obvious until work began, such as inadequate support for the roof at both ends of the building, as well as difficulties with the heating system replacement have meant that our funds which were originally adequate to complete phases 1 & 2 are now insufficient. 

Phase 2  requires £150,000. Our next steps therefore are:

  • to apply for grants 
  • to encourage individual donations from the community through an appeal letter, fundraising events and                       promoting donation giving via the website and the 200 Club

We do need help to finish this important project for the village.  You can support the refurbishment project and the future of the village centre by:

Making a one-off donation Click Here

Joining the 200 Club Click Here

There are other ways to help. Would you be interested in running a fundraising event or getting sponsorship when taking part in sporting events such as running a marathon. If you have any ideas, please do get in touch

Photo Gallery showing progress of refurbishment

External Refurbishment   Click Here

Internal Refurbishment    Click Here

Thank you to our Funders

CIL Funding

Support our Monthly Lottery '200 Club'

Please join our 200 Club. This costs just £2 per month (£24 per year) and you may win a cash prize each month. For full details please click here

Knockholt Books

Knockholt Books is up and running at the Village Centre for you to borrow books and puzzles for adults and children. For details, see Knockholt Books under Clubs and Organisations at the top of the page.

Knockholt Community Cafe

Community Cafe
Knockholt Village Centre is administered by Knockholt Village Centre Council (KVCC) as trustees.
KVCC is a registered charity  (No 265789)
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